Saturday was homecoming so my boyfriend Mitch, his little sister Hannah, and her friend Lauren came up and spent the night at my apartment. We stayed in with my roommate Chelsey for the most part accept for a point when we danced our butts off at the homecoming dance for about an hour.
We slept in the next morning and had a full day planned. First we went to 'the falls'. It was shortly after I moved to River Falls last year that I discovered there were actual falls on the river and if you off-road it you can see them up close and personal. So we all got ready and we set off.
Side note: I was the only one smart enough to wear rain boots. Needless to say my Hunters came in handy.
The fall leaves were beautiful and once we were done at the falls we all got frozen yogurt at Yo-Joes in downtown River Falls. I'm a sucker for anything cake batter so I got that flavor with sprinkles.
We then picked up some stray roommates on the side of the road and went to the middle of nowhere to an apple orchard. Unfortunately the you-pick season was over but we were still able to walk around and buy some apples and apple cider from the growers.
After that we all went to dinner and called it an early night.
I love fall. The whole day was blissful.
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